Before registering, please notify FGLL if you are interested in Head Coaching or volunteering on the Board - these volunteer positions will receive a registration discount for their athletes.
Returning Families:
Login from our home page to "My Account"
Your account will show past athletes registered in your account (you can add more participants if needed)
Next to each name, the registration tool will show what programs are available to your athlete based on their date of birth
Program availability will be based on the age of your child on December 31, 2024
New Families:
Create an account
During this process, you'll “Add Participant” for your athlete(s) with their information, including date of birth
Once you’ve added your athlete(s), the registration tool will show what programs are available to your athlete based on their DOB
Program availability will be based on the age of your child on December 31, 2024
Please register your athlete for the level you think is most appropriate. Adjustments can be at a later date if needed.
For athletes 9 and older, they will participate in an evaluation day in March where FGLL coaches will assist with proper placement for the upper levels.
If you have questions about placement, email us!